What is Portability?
Portability is the process that allows an eligible Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) applicant or participant to move anywhere in the United States where there is a housing agency operating the Federal HCV program.
Port Out Process
- Portability Move Out (Port Out) is when an eligible family moves from Lincolnton to another city or county.
- If you wish to Port Out, you must contact your Housing Specialist in writing to advise of the request.
- Your Housing Specialist will determine if you are eligible.
- Applicants must have received their voucher and lived in Lincolnton when they registered on the waiting list.
- Participants must be eligible to receive a voucher to move.
- If eligible, your paperwork will be e-mailed, mailed or faxed to the new housing agency.
- Once your paperwork is sent to the new agency, you must follow all their policies and rules.
Port In Process
Portability Move-In (Port In) is when an eligible family moves from another city or county into Lincolton.
Lincolnton Housing Authority
Attn: Incoming Portability
P.O. Box 753
Lincolnton, NC 28093
Phone: 704.735.2221
Fax: 704.735.4858
- If you wish to Port In to Lincolnton, you must contact your current housing agency.
- Your current housing agency determines if you are eligible to move to Lincolnton.
- Portability paperwork can be sent by mail or faxed.
- Once your portability paperwork is received, you will be contacted for an intake appointment.
- After your paperwork is processed, you will be invited to a briefing appointment, where you will receive your voucher.